How To Get Rid Of Unibrow
The waxing method won’t stop your unibrow from growing altogether, but it’s a pretty reliable long-term solution. Waxing generally entails applying hot wax over the unibrow and then using a strip of cloth to rip the wax off in a fluid motion. 
It’s a very effective (and commonly painful) method for hair removal because it attacks the follicle at the root. As a result, the hair stays away longer. If you plan to wax your unibrow, you could purchase an intensive home waxing kit but frankly, you’re better off seeing a specialist whereas enacting a full waxing session at home could be dangerous. Not only is it possible to burn yourself or kickstart a rash, but if you overdo it you can end up with some seriously funky eyebrows. 
If you definitely know what you’re doing, by all means, purchase a full waxing kit. However, our advice is to buy some trusty waxing strips instead. Waxing strips are small and come pre-waxed. All you need to do is apply the strip to your unibrow, pat the strip firmly into place, and then peel it off.
You should also have some quality eyebrow shapers on hand because eyebrows and unibrows are part of the same general package. Plus, if you’re rocking a serious unibrow then odds are your eyebrows could use some proper landscaping as well.
We recommend the following products for waxing and shaping: